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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 1-4-21

James 4:11-12 TPT

11 Dear friends, as part of God’s family, never speak against another family member, for when you slander a brother or sister you violate God’s law of love. And your duty is not to make yourself a judge of the law of love by saying that it doesn’t apply to you, but your duty is to obey it! 12 There is only one true Lawgiver and Judge, the One who has the power to save and destroy—so who do you think you are to judge your neighbor?

Do you think you are always justified and right in your judgment of others? Our attitude and conversation about members of God’s family can reveal a great deal about the hidden sin in our own hearts. Our passage today teaches the only One who is flawlessly righteous in his judgment of people is the Lord. May we take this Word from James seriously for 2021 and never disobey God by sinning against members of his family. According to Jesus, one day people will give an account for every careless word spoken (Mat. 12:36). Our mouths have the ability to express wisdom (godliness) or foolishness (evil).

Prayer: Lord, thank you for putting truth before us today from James. I know it is never right to slander, judge, or criticize another believer. Help me to love others the way I want to be loved, then I will be successful in honoring and obeying your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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