Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 10-10-16

Daily Reading 10-10-16

2 Kings 5:15-19 Contemporary English Version (CEV)


Naaman was a military man who served in the Syrian Army; he also had leprosy.  Naaman went to Israel to see Elisha the prophet of God. Elisha gave Naaman some simple instructions for healing. Upon dipping himself in the Jordan River seven times Naaman was healed of the leprosy. Naaman recognized the power of Israel’s God and proclaimed Him Lord.  Gratitude filled this man’s heart.


2 Kings 5:15-19 

15 Naaman and his officials went back to Elisha. Naaman stood in front of him and announced, “Now I know that the God of Israel is the only God in the whole world. Sir, would you please accept a gift from me?”

16 “I am a servant of the living Lord,” Elisha answered, “and I swear that I will not take anything from you.”


Naaman kept begging, but Elisha kept refusing. 17 Finally Naaman said, “If you won’t accept a gift, then please let me take home as much soil as two mules can pull in a wagon. Sir, from now on I will offer sacrifices only to the Lord.[a] 18 But I pray that the Lord will forgive me when I go into the temple of the god Rimmon and bow down there with the king of Syria.”


19 “Go on home, and don’t worry about that,” Elisha replied. Then Naaman left.


Prayer:  Father, thank you for the many ways you have healed me.  I remain so very grateful!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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