Begging Brothers 2-7-16

Genesis:  The Beginning

Begging Brothers 2-7-16

Genesis 42


Yesterday, we read about how Joseph went from the prison to the palace by interpreting Pharaoh’s dream; seven years of plenty and seven years of famine.  Today, we will find Joseph during the seven years of famine.  He is distributing food to the needy; the famine is far reaching beyond Egypt.  As he looks out into the crowd gathered, Joseph immediately recognizes his ten older brothers waiting in the food line; they had traveled from Canaan for provisions.

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Dream Pharaoh Dream 2-6-16

Genesis:  The Beginning

Dream Pharaoh Dream 2-6-16

Genesis 41


Yesterday, we read about Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker being in prison under Joseph’s care.  He comforts them and interprets their dreams; all is fulfilled.  Joseph asks the cupbearer, when he is reinstated into Pharaoh’s staff, to remember him to Pharaoh and put in a good word, but two years have gone by and Joseph is still in prison.  Today, we will read about how in one divine appointment, Father God connects Joseph’s ability to interpret with two strange dreams of Pharaoh for the purpose of providing food for His human family.

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Joseph Interprets Dreams 2-5-16

Genesis:  The Beginning

Joseph Interprets Dreams 2-5-16

Genesis 40


Yesterday, we read about how Joseph became the overseer of Potiphar’s house.  We also read how Potiphar’s wife lied about Joseph’s behavior and this innocent man found himself in the royal prison.  Today, we will stay in the prison with Joseph to encounter Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker.

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God, Judah, Tamar, and Dishonor 2-3-16 Cont.

Genesis:  The Beginning

God, Judah, Tamar, Dishonor 2-3-16

Genesis 38


Yesterday, we read about how Joseph and his dreams caused such hatred among his brothers they sold him into slavery.  The dreams were actually given to reassure God’s people he was orchestrating things, but the brothers did not see it that way, so they took steps to silence the dreamer.   While Joseph is enslaved in Egypt under the rule  of Potiphar, our reading shifts our focus off from Joseph and onto Judah—the ancestor of the tribe of Judah.   FYI, King David and Jesus were descendants of Judah.  Tonight, we travel to Adullam (translates deceptive) where we watch the unrolling life choices of Judah, his sons, and his daughter-in-law, Tamar.    Adullam was a royal city in Canaan; NW of Hebron by 15 miles.  The life stories in Chapters 37-38 will reveal a moral contrast between Joseph and Judah.

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God, Judah, Tamar, and Dishonor 2-3-16 Intro

Genesis:  The Beginning

God, Judah, Tamar, Dishonor 2-3-16

Genesis 38


Yesterday, we read about how Joseph and his dreams caused such hatred among his brothers they sold him into slavery.  While Joseph is enslaved in Egypt, our reading shifts our focus off from Joseph and onto Judah.  We travel to Adullam where we watch the unrolling life choices of Judah, his sons, and his daughter-in-law, Tamar.  The life stories in Chapters 37-38 reveal a moral contrast between Joseph and Judah.

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Slavery for Joseph 2-2-16

Genesis:  The Beginning  

Slavery for Joseph 2-2-16 

READ:  Genesis 37


Yesterday, we read about the rape of Dinah, revenge of her brothers, and Jacob’s [Israel’s] subsequent return to Bethel.  I did not spend time on Genesis 36, but please read it and realize the entire chapter is about Esau’s twelve sons; His family goes from tribal structure to kingship.  Today, we will read about Joseph and his big dreams; those dreams land him in slavery.  Look for the (glimpses) of how Joseph’s life foreshadows the life of Jesus. 

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Jacob and Esau 1-31-16

Genesis:  The Beginning  

Jacob and Esau 1-31-16 

READ:  Genesis 32-33


In our lesson yesterday, we read about Jacob leaving the household of Laban in order to return to Canaan.  Today, Jacob will seek to reconcile with Esau as he passes through the region of Seir (Edom; southern portion of the Dead Sea).

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Jacob and Laban 1-30-16

Genesis:  The Beginning  

Jacob and Laban 1-30-16 

READ:  Genesis 30:25–31:55


Yesterday, relational conflict was the biggest lesson from our text; Jacob’s family was familiar with conflict.  Today, we will look at the relationship between Laban and Jacob; Jacob begins to gain wealth as God prospers him. We shall see Laban is not finished being a scoundrel.

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