Interruptions are Messy
ReRead: Mark 2:5
Thursday 3/5/15 Day 14
Ponder: Several years ago John and I remodeled our old kitchen. It was incredibly messy. Dust, dirt, and debris was everywhere for months on end. For awhile, we even had a dirt floor. Think about the mess these men made in the house when they dug through the mud and straw thatched roof to get this man to Jesus. The debris had to fall on the heads of others; perhaps they just moved to the side outside the realm of this falling mess. Bottom line, we understand this was not only an interruption but a messy one.
Practice: Some messes in life we create ourselves. Many times we cannot fix those messes; we desperately need Jesus. We do not know if this man was careless and responsible for this paralytic condition. We do know Jesus came to his side and said, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Invite Jesus to come to your side and forgive you for any messes you have made that only he can clean up. Then start anew in Christ!
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for not shunning me when I make messes in my life. You always come to my side and help me through to a purer place. I desire to remain clean before you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Mission: Ask God to direct your attention to someone who has a mess all around them, and then encourage them to invite Jesus into the mess. Remember, Jesus has cleaned messes you made in your life.