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JESUS Written on the Heart

I had an amazing experience last week on my way to Orlando.  Driving along on Interstate 4 approaching the Apopka area, I looked up in the sky and saw an airplane doing skywriting. There it was in the sky; the letter “J.” It was clear as could be.  Now, that is something I do not see often, so I was wondering what letters would come next.  As I continued to watch I noticed an “E” and an “S.”  I thought to myself, I wonder… 

Sure enough while driving along a busy interstate highway the name of J E S U S appeared before me.  The Word of God started rising within me, “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11 NLT).  Praise filled my heart.  But wait…the plane continued… J E S U S  L O V E S.  The Word came pouring out of my mouth, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NLT).  Praise not only filled me, but joy spilled out in song.  What a great message written in the sky; J E S U S   L O V E S. 

To my surprise the skywriter continued…J E S U S  L O V E S  U.  I took a deep breath; the wonder of this kind of love just filled my thoughts.  Jesus, the Lord of Love, loves Mary.  I have known that Jesus loves me for a very long time, but can I tell you that I needed that particular reminder that day more than I have needed it before?  Jesus wrote I love you all over again in my heart that day.  We must apply the written Word to our lives in order to find the Living Word who longs to live life in and through each of us.   God calls us to be made in the image of Jesus.  No human loved better that Jesus.  You might think, “Mary, Jesus was God incarnate.”  True, but Jesus was fully human, too.  Jesus, the Savior, desires to make a journey with every person and develop within him/her a “living faith.”  It is a process of spiritual formation.  Daily, Jesus desires to help us grow in the precious LOVE of God.  That means we will have to use the faith grace provides.    

Please allow Jesus to write L O V E  on your heart, today, for the glory of God the Father.