Personal Credibility: Consistency

We are influential whether we realize it or not; others around us are watching. We can be influential in good ways, or poor ways! We must choose; make a decision.  It is a personal responsiblity. We are called by God to be a credible people; our life needs to match our words and our motive should be to add value to others.  As Christ followers, are we soaring in credibility?

To answer this question, it might be good to examine our “consistency” meter.  God calls us to “be” authentic people; the same person no matter who’s with us. It is human nature to want to impress some folks; we can compromise our testimony when we seek to be a people pleaser.  Be consistent no matter who you are with and live right before God.

“Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right.”  Proverbs 20:11