The Great Interruption Day 37

The Great Interruption

Read:  John 20:1-20

Wednesday 4/1/15   Day 37  

Ponder:  Mary Magdalene is devastated; the tomb is empty.  Through her tears she sees two angels in white.  One sitting where the head of Jesus would have been and one at the feet.  These angels ask Mary, “Woman, why are you weeping?”  She replies to them, “They have taken away my Lord and I do not know where they have laid him.”  Mary has tasted the presence of Christ and fears his absence.  She no longer understands.  It is then that she hears a Voice.  This Voice comes with power.  She turns to see a man but thinks he must be the gardener. 


Practice:  This is much like the Creation story of our world.  What should have been a spiritual garden has become a graveyard.  Humanity lost what God intended for us.  The Voice that spoke all things into existence out of nothing, stands at the empty place and invites us to enjoy life anew.  Jesus is the Great Interruption sent from God to bring humanity back to life in the Garden of God’s love.  Jesus is alive and now we can be alive, too.

Prayer:    Lord, forgive us for rejecting the love You extended from the beginning.  Help us to see our need for Jesus; our own spiritual lifelessness outside of Your love.  We cannot really love in selfless ways apart from You.  Thank You for Jesus, our Great Interruption, who teaches us to live beyond the dead places.  Stir our hearts with Your eternal love and life. In Jesus’ name.  Amen. 

Mission:  Satan is the thief who is trying to bring death to the God’s creation.  Be determined to listen to the Voice and shine Christ’s love and life in the midst of every dark place.  Light displaces the darkness.

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