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Be An Interrupter Day 26

Be An Interrupter

Read:   John 12:1-11

Thursday 3/19/15   Day 26

It was six days before the Passover; Jesus stopped by the house of some dear friends to share a meal and visit.  Lazarus, Martha, and Mary always made a place for Jesus in their home. They all had a story about Christ’s love for them.  Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead; that’s a pretty amazing story! Martha was a great cook and host, so every time Jesus returns he appreciates Martha.  What about Mary? Mary has been set free from a life ignorant to sin.  She is a learner and worshiper; she sits at the feet of Jesus. All three of these friends of Christ, love being with Him.  Here’s the Good News: Jesus loves being with them, too. The relationship is reciprocal. 


Practice:  When we make a place for Jesus in our lives and in our homes, he comes and enjoys fellowship.  When we create an environment of love, we have offered Jesus entrance.  Like Lazarus, Martha, and Mary, we may all have different stories about how Jesus has loved us.  Let’s never forget that God so loved the world that he sent Jesus (John 3:16).  God loved us first.

Prayer:  Dear Heavenly Father, I want my heart to be inviting to you each day.  Help me to welcome you to have fellowship with me.  You love me. Help me to return that love.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen. 

Mission:  Is your life and home welcoming to Jesus?  Pay attention to how you create an environment of love for Jesus to dwell.  Others will feel the interruption of His presence with you.  Christ’s presence is tangible.  You will recognize him as JOY.

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