Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-6-18

June 6, 2018

John 5:1-18 The Voice (VOICE)

During the time of Jesus’ ministry, Bethesda was known as a place full of suffering, impurity, and darkness.  Most people in the vicinity purposely avoided this place, but Jesus walks boldly into it in order to serve people.  Among those plagued with disease and physical challenges, Jesus singles out a lame man who for 38 years has waited patiently for God to heal him.  The man has been looking at his limitations and talking about needing people to help him, but the Lord is going to get him to look Higher for salvation in order to receive the wholeness found in the presence of God.

We are all tempted to focus on our limitations, but we must resist doing so because God is not limited by our weaknesses.  For 38 years the “mat” has been this man’s resting place, but Jesus tells him to pick it up and carry it in new strength.  Pick up your mat—that thing you have been resting on for comfort—ask and expect the Spirit to move you into wholeness leaving weakness behind.  Be bold with your asking and avoid trying to figure out how God will touch you.  Trust, because Jesus is the Healer and we all need him!

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-5-18

June 5, 2018

Psalm 78:1-4 New Living Translation (NLT)

God has been so very good to each of us; life in Christ is a beautiful gift.  At Connect2Christ Church we are starting a new children’s music ministry, today.  This will be a time of praise and creativity; a time to pass along to the next generation our stories about the love and goodness of God.  Please be praying for Corbi, as well as the worship team as they bring leadership to this ministry.  Our children are the future when it comes to the work of the Kingdom; we must groom them for the faith that will be required in their lifetime.

In our passage today, the Psalmist teaches about the importance of sharing spiritual truths and life lessons with the next generation.  We are in agreement with the Word and looking for the work of the Spirit to multiply the seeds we are devoted to plant in the lives of those whom God brings.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-4-18

June 4, 2018

Romans 9:19-29 New Living Translation (NLT)

Potter God fashioned you as a jar of clay to reflect His glory.  He has done that with every child of Promise. Since He is the Potter and we are the clay, He can form our shape any way He chooses.  You are a unique work of His hands; find joy in your differentness.  Glorify God with your unique life.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-1-18

June 1, 2018

Romans 8:31-39 The Message (MSG)

The love of God pursues all people, but swaddles those who by faith welcome Him.  If you have accepted the work of Messiah on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins, you are swaddled in the pure love of God and nothing can penetrate or tear you away from Him.  You are snug and secure in his loving care.  

If we are honest, sometimes it does not feel like we are swaddled in God’s love, because we look at our circumstances to determine the love of God for us.  That is a wrong way to view life in Messiah.  We must “know” that nothing comes into our lives that hasn’t first gone through the cross of Jesus Christ.  When you think of it, there is nothing more than the cross he could possibly do to demonstrate his perfect love…but he continues to love us and bless us anyway!  Focus on this love of God for you, today.  View your fleeting circumstances as you stand at the foot of the cross gazing on God’s love for you and don’t let life rob you of Truth.  Messiah loves you; He embraces you so you can’t lose!  

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 5-31-18

May 31, 2018

Acts 25:1-7 The Message (MSG)

As Christians, our reputation as law-abiding, peace-promoting, and honest-living people matters; we are to reflect our Master’s integrity and love.

In our lesson today, Paul’s reputation is under attack, but he knows he is innocent of the charges the high priests are trying to bring against him.  He has done nothing to harm the Jewish religion, the Temple, nor Caesar’s empire. Paul’s conscience is clear and his reputation as one who walks with God stands.   He is not bowing down to the accusations of others.  He knows if he were guilty of these things, the Spirit would convict him.

Sometimes we may be tempted to think how we live our lives does not matter to God, but those are lies the enemy tries to get us to believe.  Cast down the temptation to compromise and seek to reflect the reputation of God.  The Spirit will guide you.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 5-30-18

May 30, 2018

Mark 4:21-25 New Living Translation (NLT)

When I was younger, I had what my kids would call “turbo hearing.”  lol…Probably, because what was in secret came out into the open.  Honestly, I find the older I get the more closely I must listen to what people are trying to tell me.  I have always desired to be fully present and paying attention, but now I need to really focus because background noise and conversations can mess with my hearing and understanding. Sometimes, I need to move to a quieter place in order to really listen.

In our passage today, Jesus is speaking to his disciples.  He tells them they need to really pay attention and listen closely.  The disciples’ understanding is based on how closely they listen.  In fact, if they will press in to really pay attention, listen, and do what he says, Jesus promises they will be given even greater understanding…greater Light.  So, listen to the Word, allow it to teach you truth, and let the Light of Christ shine understanding in you, today.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 5-29-18

May 29, 2018

1 Corinthians 2:1-10 New Living Translation (NLT)

From the beginning of Creation, God has desired a relationship with His human creatures. Relationship has been a way to share His glory, wisdom, and love.  God desires for people to live and have fellowship with Him and others; to know and be known.  God longs to equip His children with wisdom and everything we need to overcome the world and be successful.  The mystery of God has been and remains salvation and the redemption of all people.  It was not until Christ rose from the dead that people began to put some pieces together and begin to understand the mystery of God; the love that motivates the Almighty and the plans He has for our “forever!”   

Spend time today thanking God for His great wisdom and secret plan, because He has something in mind for all of His children that will be beyond our ability to mentally process.  We must allow the Spirit to prepare us to receive the mystery and live for His glory.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 5-28-18

May 28, 2018

Revelation 4:1-8 New Living Translation

It is essential for us as God’s children that we learn to recognize his Voice; the Word of God speaks!  In our passage today, we see it is the Spirit who calls the Apostle John to join in heavenly worship. John recognizes the Spirit’s Voice and receives a vision so we, as readers of the Word, can gain a glimpse of the throne room, the glory and holiness of the Lord, and the worship of God from every being present. 

According to John this is the revelation of Christ.  Christ says to those who read the Word of God, “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it…” (Rev. 1:3).  The Trinity is the Source of all truth, so we must press in to listen to the Voice of God and learn.  

In the previous three chapters, the Word has spoken to the seven churches in Asia and continues to speak to the universal church today.  To the Church at Ephesus the Word says, “Remember your first Love and Repent.”  To the Church at Smyrna the Word says, “Don’t fear and remain faithful.”  To the Church at Pergamum the Word says, “Repent and stop compromising with evil.”  To the Church at Thyatira the Word says, “Repent of immorality.”  To the Church at Sardis the Word says, “Wake up and repent of superficial faith.”  To the Church at Philadelphia the Word says, “Hold on in spite of trials!”  To the Church at Laodicea the Word says, “Repent and stop being lukewarm in your worship and mission.”  To the universal church, the Lord desires that we learn from all of these examples, because true worship and loyalty in relationship to God is about loving and living in agreement with the Word.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 5-25-18

May 25, 2018

Romans 8:9-11 New Living Translation

Many people have an idea of God; an image or a way to ascribe a respect or “feeling” to God.  That has never been enough for me.  I desire a thriving relationship with God the Creator of all things; I want to commune with the Holy One, learn about Him and myself, and enjoy fellowship.  Belief in the work of Christ on the cross is always the first step if we desire a relationship with God and want to learn how to walk with the Spirit.  The Father sends the Son and the Son sends the Spirit.  When the Holy Spirit descends upon on our hearts, we are endued with the love and power of Christ. Jesus taught us, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father” (John 14:12).

We can enjoy every day with God and grow in our understanding of how the power of Christ’s Spirit works within us.  This power of God in human vessels is not pitiful power it is dunamis (Greek) or dynamite (English).   So what are you going to do with the dynamite power within you, today?  May I offer a suggestion?  Seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, use your faith to raise the power within you, and release the dynamite love of God into the lives of others.  Go about your day radiating the love and power of Christ’s presence in you.

In our passage, the Apostle Paul writes to Christ’s followers in Rome and further explains what it means to have new life in the Spirit.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 5-24-18

May 24, 2018

Romans 8:1-18 New Living Translation

To be able to choose every day how we will think or emotionally respond to life’s situations is a very liberating thought. If sin is the rejection of the God-life, righteousness is putting God in the center of our lives and learning not to be controlled by everything we see or experience with our thoughts or natural senses.  As believers, we are human beings on a faith journey with a God who is Spirit.  Our natural inclinations, senses, or mindsets have to be monitored, because our flesh is infected with sin. That monitoring is the work of the Spirit who guides us into all Truth.   I am so grateful Jesus cleared the eternal slate recording my sin and every day is a prayerful new beginning for the Spirit to help me make better decisions.

The decision for how we mentally process things is done at an individual level.  If I am going to focus on the positive things of God vs. negative sinful things the decision begins with me.  Changing certain situations may be impossible, but how you and I approach those things with our thoughts and responses is a free choice of our will.  We must make a decision to be led by the Spirit for the glory of God.  When we find ourselves experiencing more negative consequences in our lives than positive ones, we need to evaluate our choices by getting in the Word to see what the Spirit has to say to our hearts.  A positive life change might be one Spirit-led decision away.  Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

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