Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-9-18

April 9, 2018

1 John 2:3-11 The Message (MSG)

Our lives are to match the life of Jesus; if we have accepted his invitation to salvation, we belong to him.  The power outflowing the resurrection is for the purpose of raising our level of love.  That means being raised by the Father into a mature love and vibrant faith.  Faith works through perfect love; perfect love can be found in the commandments of God.  Scripture teaches God is Love, so therefore his commandments are established on the foundation of his Love.  When we move toward continuing faith, we move forward into the Light of God’s Love and we become powerful witnesses of Christ’s presence—the Living Word of God—with us.

Invite God to work and move in your life; internalized and apply his commandments of love to your life.  Sure, the Lord will bring change, but it will be the best change you could ever experience.  The change the Lord brings prepares us for eternity.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-6-18

April 6, 2018

Acts 4:23-31 New Living Translation (NLT)

In our reading today, the Apostles are learning what it means to live out of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit.  They are boldly stepping out in faith and taking authority in Christ.  Through them the Lord has healed a crippled beggar.  Miracles are following the apostles; lives are being changed.  

The religious leaders do not like what the apostles are teaching and they command Peter and John to stop teaching in the name of Jesus.  Do they stop when they are threatened by the elders of the religious council?  On the contrary, they pray and ask God for more courage. What is God’s response?  He fills them with the Holy Spirit and with boldness.

When we go through difficult times and the enemy is trying to snuff out our faith, the Lord promises to be with us.  Whatever your faith is facing today, you are not alone and Christ desires to show himself strong and powerful in you.  Pray for the strength of faith and courage you need.  Jesus will provide.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-5-18

April 5, 2018

Psalm 133 Good News Translation (GNT)

This morning’s passage teaches about harmony; the place where the Lord has promised his blessing—life that never ends.  Harmony is not about conformity; quite the opposite.  Harmony requires a blend of diversity.  In music, harmony is a blend of different notes played at the same time coming together for a beautiful song.

When it comes to our spiritual lives in relationship with the Lord, our lives all sing differently but every life should sing to glorify the Lord.  Therefore, the greatest harmony is experienced when God’s family comes together, bows before his authority, and seeks to glorify His name.  We do not have to sing the same note, because God has provided plenty of diverse lives to blend for the song.  Be happy with who you are and what you bring to life, because you are a necessary part of the harmony.  Blessing comes when you use your life to sing praise to God.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-4-18

April 4, 2018

Psalm 118 Good News Translation (GNT)

Our Lord is gracious and wonderfully good.  He fights our sin; he takes it on as his own.  He is the Victor and we are his righteous receivers.  Every heart needs the Lord and the power outflowing his resurrection.  Salvation connects us in order to be raised by the Father.  Because we belong to the Lord, not only do we have life eternal, we can overcome anything that comes against us.  The battle belongs to the Lord and he is always victorious in love.

Surrender your concerns and challenges to the Lord.  He loves you; He will deliver you and bring you through. He is the Savior.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-3-18

April 3, 2018

1 Corinthians 15:50-58 (NLT)

Our passage today is a continuation of the spiritual lesson from yesterday about the resurrected bodies that we will one day occupy; a future with immortality.  Because of our present human limitations, we look forward to a time when we no longer suffer from those physical, emotional, or mental challenges.  

In the meantime, God’s grace is sufficient to carry us through whatever we face while in these mortal bodies. It requires living in the power outflowing Christ’s resurrection; the firstborn of the resurrection.  We will explore more about resurrection living in the weeks to come.  We need each other as we love one another through our human limitations.  Remember, nothing we every do in the name of Christ to share mercy and offer help to one another or further the Kingdom is ever wasted.  God sees and knows. He is glorified in our lives when we press on to love him wholeheartedly and love one another.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-2-18

April 2, 2018

1 Corinthians 15:35-49 (NLT)

In our passage today, the Apostle Paul tells us our resurrected bodies will reflect our individual personalities only they will be perfected because of Jesus Christ. Can you imagine your life with no sickness, no disease, and no death?  Jesus, the last Adam, is the life giver who will bring us into resurrection.  We will receive a new body that is suitable for eternal living.  We have a good, good Father!  Amen?

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-30-18

March 30, 2018

John 18:1-19:42

In the life of Jesus, let us always remember to look for the heart of God and evaluate our hearts as they relate and seek to follow him.  Every time we confess Jesus with our mouths, acknowledge the authority of his Word, and move in agreement, we are exalting him as Lord of our lives.  Jesus—the Lord Most High—suffered at the hands of his creation; the very ones to whom he gave life turned and crucified him.  

With this sobering thought, we know there are times we crucify the Word rather than live it.  Maybe we do not like what it says; so we deny and reject it.  Maybe we do not understand how it relates to our lives, so we ignore it. And, maybe we actually understand what the Word is asking of us and we are simply unwilling to obey it.

If we have invited Jesus into our hearts—the garden of our being where the seed of Love has been planted—we have the privilege of knowing the heart of the Father. His love for us is sacrificial and he will love us forever.  Let us praise God for his love everyday. 

If we have made Jesus the Lord of our lives, we possess the power to love and serve others like Christ because he lives in us and causes our love to grow.  That is another level of trust and intimacy with God that many followers are afraid to embrace.  We must never forget we have the freedom to entomb the Lord in our hearts and never share him.  Or, we can publicly confess him, but if he is not Lord we will never deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow him in order to extend sacrificial love to others the way he commands. 

In our lengthy passage today, Jesus will lay down his life.  The Word—Jesus—will submit himself to be beaten and killed…but, death and darkness will never hold back the Light of Truth which leads to Eternal Life.  Truth, Life, and Love are in the Word.

Jesus just finished praying, “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you…may your love for me be in them and that I myself may be in them” (John 17:25-26).

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-29-18

March 29, 2018

1 Corinthians 11:23-26  New Living Translation

Today is known as Maundy Thursday; the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples.   The word Maundy is derived from the Latin word for “mandate” or “command.” We are mandated or commanded by Christ to love one another in humility, remember what he has done for us by laying down his life, and give Father God thanks for it.  Let love fill your heart today; because God so loved the world that He gave His Son to take our place in death so we could join him in eternal life.  

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-28-18

March 28, 2018

John 13:21-32 New Living Translation

In our passage today, we read about the betrayal of Jesus by Judas.  Betrayal will always be an ongoing issue in life.  Betrayal has to do with a violation of trust.  The Bible describes betrayal as an enemy masquerading as a friend.  An common example of this definition would be someone saying nice things to your face to gain your favor, but verbally criticizing you when he or she is with others in order to make himself or herself look better.  People do it all the time and think nothing of it, but Scripture teaches it is sin. It is similar to the sin of gossip but leaves deeper wounds and it is built on the foundation of arrogance/pride.  Maybe you have tasted betrayal; if so, be comforted because Jesus understands.  

How does Jesus treat his betrayer?  Jesus loves him.  It can only be done by submitting to the grace and power of God Almighty.  Jesus stays focus on his mission, forgives Judas, and keeps seeking to please the Father.  He did not let this single betrayer taint him from loving and trusting his other friends.  And, God was glorified.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 3-27-18

March 27, 2018

John 12:20-36 New Living Translation

In our passage today, Jesus sets out to explain to those listening—both Jews and Greeks—that he must die.  This is not the picture of Messiah people have been wanting and hoping would come as God’s Promise of salvation.  When Jesus did not meet the expectations of people, he was rejected.  It was true then and it remains true.  

Jesus is the light we need to navigate the dark places in life. He is the Savior who brings us grace for each moment and delivers us from evil.   He has offered to be the light for us and then he calls us to be the light for others.  Is the light of Christ shining brightly in your life?

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