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Interruptions As Opportunity Day 1

Interruptions as Opportunity 

Read:  Mark 5:21-34 

Ash Wednesday 2/18/15   Day 1   

Ponder:  How do you handle interruptions?  Does it unsettle you when things do not go as planned?  Could you benefit from looking at interruptions differently?


It is probably safe to say that Jesus had plans for his time when he stepped off the boat, but immediately he had people vying for his attention.  Jairus, a well-known religious leader, is desperate for his daughter to receive a touch from the Healer.  Jesus recognizes this interruption from Jairus is actually an opportunity to demonstrate the love and power of God.  Interestingly, Jesus seems to go from one interruption to another taking them all in stride.  He is able to look at each interruption as a way to bring glory to God.

Practice:  Today will hold some interruptions for you; do not be unsettled by them.  Pray and ask God to give you eyes to see opportunities in the interruptions.  You never know, maybe the interruptions will be an opportunity to hear from God so that you can be an instrument of healing for the soul  of another.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, remind me today that you are always present with me.  When I am interrupted, help me to see how you are working and how you might use me to show your love and grace.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

Mission:  Share today’s devotion by inviting someone, in your sphere of influence, to look at interruptions differently.  Help him or her recognize Jesus.

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