Interruptions as Opportunity Day 6

Interruptions as Opportunity 

ReRead:  Mark 5:34 

Tuesday 2/24/15   Day 6   

Ponder:  The very day this desperate woman reaches out to touch Jesus she is healed. Her life is forever changed in that moment. Joy permeates her being; truth flows from her lips.  However, I’m also very sure, even in the midst of this joy, she remembers how she felt for the past twelve years.  She remembers how she was treated by others and how she was shamed. She will not forget where she has been.  This healing did not erase the pain she had felt, nor the rejection she had experienced; it did change the way she looked at God, herself, and others.  She received a new glimpse of love.


Practice:  Do you need a fresh glimpse of God’s love for you today?  Do you need to start looking at yourself or others differently? Do you realize how very special you are to God and how much He desires to heal every broken place within you?  Life can be very difficult for people.  You never know where someone finds himself or herself in a moment.  Keep your heart soft and pliable to the work of the Spirit.

Prayer:  Father, thank you for helping me experience a greater portion of your love each day.  I am keeping my eyes fixed upon you; you make me feel valuable.  Help me to turn and share that love with someone else who needs to be heard and healed. In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Mission:  When someone interrupts your time or demands your attention, today, gladly give it.  Turn your attention to him or her and smile because you remember that Jesus allows you to interrupt him whenever you need him. Extend to those around you great compassion and patience.

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