Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 2-5-21

Matthew 12:9-14
9 Then Jesus left them and went into the synagogue where 10 he encountered a man who had an atrophied, paralyzed hand. The fault-finding Pharisees asked Jesus, “Is it permissible to perform a work of healing on the Sabbath, when no one is supposed to work?” They only asked him this question because they hoped to accuse him of breaking the Jewish laws.

11 He answered them, “If any of you had a lamb that fell into a ditch on the Sabbath, wouldn’t you reach out your hand and lift it out? 12 Isn’t a man much more valuable than a lamb? So of course, it’s always proper to do miracles, even on the Sabbath.”
13 Then he turned to the man and said, “Hold out your hand!” And as he stretched it out, it was restored, exactly like the other.

14 Immediately the Pharisees went out and started to scheme about how they would do away with him.

On an ongoing basis, I cannot help but notice how people may share the same experience, but view things very differently. I imagine how we view something is connected to the motives of our hearts, right? According to Scripture, “A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart (Luke 6:45).

In our passage this morning, we see the heart and words of Jesus, as well as the hearts and words of a group of Pharisees [religious teachers]. Clearly, they all see the same struggling person—a man with a withered and paralyzed hand—but they do not share the same concern for this man. They are all in the same space—the synagogue on a Sunday—but they do not share the same reason for being there. The Pharisees look at the physically challenged man and see an opportunity to use him in order to further their agenda of discrediting Jesus; their words match their motive. Jesus looks at the physically challenged man with compassion and wants to bring his life wholeness and lasting change; his words match his motive.

There are many things going on in our lives, country, and the world. Although we may see things differently, let us make sure we are always looking at a situation with a heart that desires God’s highest and best for others. Destroying another person with whom we may disagree reveals the darkness in our own hearts. God sees. God hears. God saves. Let’s choose to produce good things from the treasury of a good heart.

Prayer: Lord, let the meditations of my heart be glorifying to you. Help me to serve you by helping others find your healing love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 2-4-21

Proverbs 12:16-21 TPT

Learning to Speak Wisely
If you shrug off an insult and refuse to take offense,
you demonstrate discretion indeed.
But the fool has a short fuse
and will immediately let you know when he’s offended.
Truthfulness marks the righteous,
but the habitual liar can never be trusted.
Reckless words are like the thrusts of a sword,
cutting remarks meant to stab and to hurt.
But the words of the wise soothe and heal.
Truthful words will stand the test of time,
but one day every lie will be seen for what it is.
Deception fills the hearts of those who plot harm,
but those who plan for peace are filled with joy.
Calamity is not allowed to overwhelm the righteous,
but there’s nothing but trouble waiting for the wicked.

There is so much wisdom nestled in the Book of Proverbs. In our passage today, King Solomon shares a series of proverbs—short, concise sentences that convey moral truth—that will help tame our tongues if we will listen. The proverb that stands out for me is verse 19: “Truthful words will stand the test of time.” The enemy is a liar and many times his lies may sound like truth, but real Truth is a person—the Living Word—and so to make sure we know the difference between a lie and Truth, we must consult the Word, exalt the Truth, and believe the eternal Christ to bring timely revelation. If we will follow this wisdom, we will find ourselves closer to God. May we take this wisdom to heart and allow it to govern our lives.

Prayer: Lord, every human being needs to apply these proverbs to his or her life. We are too easily offended and lie to manipulate our own agendas. We say something is true because it pleases our flesh. Help your children stand for the Truth of your Word and speak that Truth in love. Cause us to be counselors of peace who are filled with your joy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 2-3-21

Mark 5:14-20

Our passage today continues the story of Jesus and the demon-possessed man in Gerasenes. Jesus commands the legion of demons to come out of the man and make a heard of pigs their host instead. The pigs are so tormented by the demons, they jump off the cliff and drown in the waters below. This results in a tremendous economic loss for the community.

14-15 Those tending the pigs, scared to death, bolted and told their story in town and country. Everyone wanted to see what had happened. They came up to Jesus and saw the madman sitting there wearing decent clothes and making sense, no longer a walking madhouse of a man.

16-17 Those who had seen it told the others what had happened to the demon-possessed man and the pigs. At first they were in awe—and then they were upset, upset over the drowned pigs. They demanded that Jesus leave and not come back.

18-20 As Jesus was getting into the boat, the demon-delivered man begged to go along, but he wouldn’t let him. Jesus said, “Go home to your own people. Tell them your story—what the Master did, how he had mercy on you.” The man went back and began to preach in the Ten Towns area about what Jesus had done for him. He was the talk of the town.

Wait…What? That’s right, the people care more about the pigs than they do the Son of God or this man who desperately needs to be delivered from evil. Where’s the mercy or compassion? If we are going to follow Jesus, we need to maintain the understanding that he cares more about the spiritual needs of people than anything else. Spiritual health come first, because when our spirits are right with God, and we abide in his love, everything else is provided. Jesus said it this way, “So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom and the righteousness that proceeds from him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly (Matt. 6:33).
The people of Gerasenes have no faith in God’s ability to lovingly provide for them even though they witness an amazing transformation and miracle. The Kingdom of God comes near, but only one person enters—the demon-delivered man. Until we are willing to completely entrust ourselves to God’s care, we will fight the work of the Spirit who comes to bring us all the riches of the divine Kingdom.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for pouring mercy and compassion into the lives of your followers. May we consistently seek your Kingdom above all other things knowing you hold the whole picture and will provide accordingly. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 2-2-21

Mark 5:1-13 (MSG)
1-5 They arrived on the other side of the sea in the country of the Gerasenes. As Jesus got out of the boat, a madman from the cemetery came up to him. He lived there among the tombs and graves. No one could restrain him—he couldn’t be chained, couldn’t be tied down. He had been tied up many times with chains and ropes, but he broke the chains, snapped the ropes. No one was strong enough to tame him. Night and day he roamed through the graves and the hills, screaming out and slashing himself with sharp stones.

6-8 When he saw Jesus a long way off, he ran and bowed in worship before him—then howled in protest, “What business do you have, Jesus, Son of the High God, messing with me? I swear to God, don’t give me a hard time!” (Jesus had just commanded the tormenting evil spirit, “Out! Get out of the man!”)

9-10 Jesus asked him, “Tell me your name.”
He replied, “My name is Mob. I’m a rioting mob.” Then he desperately begged Jesus not to banish them from the country.

11-13 A large herd of pigs was grazing and rooting on a nearby hill. The demons begged him, “Send us to the pigs so we can live in them.” Jesus gave the order. But it was even worse for the pigs than for the man. Crazed, they stampeded over a cliff into the sea and drowned.

Scripture teaches demons have the ability to inhabit human bodies in order to deceive and destroy people. As believers, we are to submit ourselves to God then resist evil of any kind; the enemy has to leave when we refuse to be his host. Remaining in God’s Word is our best defense against evil, because from the Word we understand what pleases God and how he created us to live. The goal of the demonic realm is always destruction of humanity, because we are made in the image of God.

In our passage today, Jesus is approached by a demon-possessed man. The man bows, but the demon—who recognizes Jesus and his superior authority—tries to negotiate with the Creator. As requested, Jesus gives the demons permission to enter the swine and immediately we see the magnitude of what this poor man had endured. The lesson is clear. Christ came to set humans free from the evil plans of Satan. “So if the Son sets you free from sin, you are truly free” (John 8:36).

Prayer: Lord, thank you for setting me free from sin and spiritual death. I submit myself to you and resist evil. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 2-1-21

Mark 1:21-22 TPT People Stunned by Jesus’ Teachings
21 Then Jesus and his disciples went to Capernaum, [translates the village of the comforted] and he immediately started teaching on the Sabbath day in the synagogue. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed [hit with a blow] by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the religious scholars.

In our passage today, Jesus demonstrates the authority of God by how he speaks, lives, and loves. Hearts are pierced by the Word and the love that delivers it; people know God is the power behind everything Jesus—the Anointed One— says and does. Jesus speaks from an inner knowledge of what pleases the Father; obedience to God’s commands of love. Beyond keeping the Law, Jesus wants his followers to willingly obey the Father from his or her heart, too. In Christ, may we speak from our own experiences with the love of Yahweh as we share the Good News with others.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for reminding me today about the love that must permeate everything I say and do. Keep me accountable and obedient. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 1-29-21

Psalm 111:4-10 Passage continues…

He causes us to remember his wonderful works.
    How gracious and merciful is our Lord!

He gives food to those who fear him;
    he always remembers his covenant.

He has shown his great power to his people
    by giving them the lands of other nations.

All he does is just and good,
    and all his commandments are trustworthy.

They are forever true,
    to be obeyed faithfully and with integrity.

He has paid a full ransom for his people.
    He has guaranteed his covenant with them forever.
    What a holy, awe-inspiring name he has!
Fear [respect] of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom.
    All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom.
Praise him forever!

As we continue in our passage today from Psalm 111, the psalmist declares more of Father God’s glory [the tangible manifestation of his presence] and perfect love for his children. Let’s be honest, when life gets challenging, sometimes we forget the blessings we have experienced in the past. Maybe it’s hard to focus beyond the obstacles before us. These challenges can seem large and insurmountable, but remember nothing is impossible for God in whom we must place our faith. And, it is impossible to please God without using our faith, because we must believe he exists and that he rewards those who seek him [Heb. 11:6].

Sometimes life seems to come with what I will refer to as a holy ease; times when we feel no resistance from our flesh, the world, or Satan as we follow the Spirit. However, there are other times when we are going to need to take spiritual authority over the darkness that tries to creep into our lives or the lives of our loved ones and friends. We must recognize the intense scope of the challenge involved and know it is a spiritual battle for dominion. Warfare between spiritual forces in the heavenly realm [holy angels of glory vs. demonic angels of darkness] precedes glorious spiritual victories on earth [Eph. 6:12]. We must pray, put on our spiritual armor, and rise up in faith to grow up!

We grow spiritually because Father God helps us remember his faithfulness. The Spirit brings good things from the past to our remembrance, so we will look for the Lord to bring us victory again. We must rest in this Truth: God always remembers the covenant he made with us in Christ. In response, we must remember and obey his commandments because our obedience leads us into greater levels of Wisdom and Truth. So, today, let’s give honor, respect, and glory to our faithful Lord who’s goodness always overtakes us in order to bring the next victory.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for always remembering your promises. Help me to keep my end of the covenant, by reflecting on your goodness that has always been present with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 1-28-21

Psalm 111:1-3

Praise the Lord!
I will thank the Lord with all my heart
    as I meet with his godly people.

How amazing are the deeds of the Lord!
    All who delight in him should ponder them.

Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty.
    His righteousness never fails.

Both the Old and New Testaments reveal, apart from salvation in Christ, humans are wise only in their own eyes (Prov. 3:7). In fact, when we try to exalt our unredeemed human knowledge, we are living as fools without integrity; trying to steal the glorious Wisdom and reputation away from Creator God (Romans 1:22). We rob God by trying to exalt the human mind above his will and commands; we act like sons of evil trying to rewrite and twist his Word. What was Satan’s lie to Eve? Satan told Eve that eating from the tree—of the knowledge of good and evil—would make humans wise like God (Gen. 3:5-6). My friends, God loves us and, through his Word, he is trying to protect us from evil. If God forbids us to eat the fruit (the ways) of this world, disobedience to his Word will open the door to deception and spiritual death (Gen. 2:17). We must eat from the Tree of Life—his Word is Truth.

In our passage today, the psalmist praises God for his glory that will remain a mystery to human understanding apart from a vibrant relationship with him. Obviously, if we are living or promoting anything that is contrary to the Word of God and his commands, it reveals we are deceived and have eaten the rotten fruit offered by Satan! However, if we are willing to submit to and obey God’s Word, we will experience realms of his glory, true Wisdom guiding our lives, and bear the fruit of righteousness that reflects his pure character. Our lesson: we must refuse to eat the rotten fruit of the world offered by the liar!

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your perfect character and righteous deeds always operating in my behalf. I join with the psalmist to delight in you and cling to the righteousness that never fails. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 1-27-21

Proverbs 8:1-9 Can’t you hear the voice of Wisdom?
1–3 Can’t you hear the voice of Wisdom? [Jesus personified]
From the top of the mountains of influence
she speaks into the gateways of the glorious city. [the house of God]
At the place where pathways merge,
at the entrance of every portal,
there she stands, ready to impart understanding,
shouting aloud to all who enter,
preaching her sermon to those who will listen. [a tender heart]

“I’m calling to you, sons of Adam,
yes, and to you daughters as well.

Listen to me and you will be prudent and wise.
For even the foolish and feeble can receive an understanding heart
that will change their inner being.

The meaning of my words will release within you revelation
for you to reign in life.
My lyrics will empower you to live by what is right.

For everything I say is unquestionably true,
and I refuse to endure the lies of lawlessness—
my words will never lead you astray.

All the declarations of my mouth can be trusted;
they contain no twisted logic or perversion of the truth.

All my words are clear and straightforward to everyone
who possesses spiritual understanding.
If you have an open mind, you will receive revelation-knowledge.

In our Old Testament passage today, Wisdom is personified as a woman who guides God’s children into success and fruitfulness. I love how King Solomon paints the picture of humanity’s great need for God’s Wisdom at every turn. Wisdom is always available for anyone who will listen.

According to the Old Testament Psalter, Wisdom and foolishness are the two paths of life placed before every person. Because of sin, without effort we naturally gravitate toward foolish living; we live by how we feel and what we desire. However, in Proverbs, we are taught how to live godly lives through the repetition of wise thoughts and righteous actions. And, let’s not forget this essential point, “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline” (Prov. 1:7). When we choose God’s way of living, he imparts to us wisdom. Because everything we have in life—every blessing—comes from God, we need to seek him and how we can use those blessings wisely. One day God will evaluate how we have lived, so let’s decisively live in the Wisdom of God found in Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:30). He alone can be trusted to lead us into righteousness.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for granting me wisdom as I seek your will. Cause me to walk in truth and understanding. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 1-26-21

Psalm 46: 8-11

Come, see the glorious works of the Lord:
    See how he brings destruction upon the world.

He causes wars to end throughout the earth.
    He breaks the bow and snaps the spear;
    he burns the shields with fire.
“Be still, and know that I am God!
    I will be honored by every nation.
    I will be honored throughout the world.”
The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us;
    the God of Israel is our fortress.

In our passage today, we are reminded that one day God’s complete victory over sin, death, and the defeat of Satan will manifest on earth. Christ’s righteousness will defeat and bring final judgment to Satan and his offspring who do evil. When Christ brings this judgment, those who belong to him will finally experience the fulness of his or her salvation.

Now is time for God’s people to experience revival; a spiritual awakening for an end time harvest of righteousness. For those who love God, he promises to rescue, as well as revive us; he will revive our love and draw us into his holiness. We are to ask and it will be given (Mat. 7:7). Certainly in his letters to the seven churches, Christ sets forth a warning to come back and make him our First Love, stop compromising with worldly values, and hunger for the Truth that causes us to bear the fruit of righteousness (Rev. 2:4-3:11). Pray for revival!

Prayer: Lord, in the stillness of my soul, I know you are my Savior and God. Ignite your love in me and lead me in the paths of righteousness for your name sake. Amen.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 1-25-21

Psalm 46:1-3

God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge!
You’re a proven help in time of trouble—
more than enough and always available whenever I need you.

So we will never fear
even if every structure of support [earth itself] were to crumble away.
We will not fear even when the earth quakes and shakes,
moving mountains and casting them into the sea.

For the raging roar of stormy winds and crashing waves
cannot erode our faith in you.

In our passage today, the psalmist writes about his confident trust in God’s ability to save and protect his people. Although many other psalms begin by first describing a crisis that has arisen and then God showing up to help, this psalm begins by extolling the faithful provision of God and His desire to be our strength and power before the crisis.

The psalmist knows fear not only robs us as individuals, it robs God of the honor our confident trust should bring Him. That is why Satan tries to plant fear in our thoughts; he wants us to think we are alone and that the use of our faith is futile. Satan knows God has promised to care for His own and will never betray His Word. We must know it, too.

When crisis hits—notice I said not “if” but “when”—we must be ready to allow the presence of God to sustain us because His help is more than enough to see us through. Keep your faith on the true Source of support who will always be there for you. Whatever challenge or trial you may face, God is greater and more powerful.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the promises you have made to be my source of strength. I continue to find you as my safe place. Help me to stay focused on your eternal Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.