Interruptions are Messy Day 18

Interruptions are Messy 

ReRead:  Mark 2:12 

Tuesday 3/10/15   Day 18   

Ponder:  The crowd witnessed the restorative work of Messiah in their midst and praise filled the house and beyond.  Their testimony, “We have never seen anything like this!”  When we recognize the work of Christ manifesting in another person, it should fill our hearts with gratitude and our mouths with praise.  Celebrate what God is doing in other people.  Every life that is changed by Christ, is a life saved for eternity.  Do you celebrate God’s work in and through others?

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Interruptions are Messy Day 17

Interruptions are Messy

Monday 3/9/15   Day 17

ReRead: Mark 2:10-11

Ponder: Jesus, Son of God, refers to himself as the Son of Man in this passage.  In other words, Jesus wants us to understand he is fully human and fully divine.  Jesus is able to connect with our humanness and understand our deepest needs.  He can relate to our suffering to make us overcomers against sin in the world. Are you an overcomer?

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Interruptions are Messy Day 16

Interruptions are Messy

ReRead:   Mark 2:5-9 (again)

Saturday 3/7/15   Day 16

Ponder:  Have you ever questioned why bad things happen to some people?  Maybe they suffer a tragic accident, suffer extreme injustice, lose a child or mate at a young age? During Jesus’ ministry, some people had the mindset that all bad things happened because of sin in a person’s life.   We live in a fallen and sinful world, and pain is simply a part of living here.

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Interruptions are Messy Day 15

Interruptions are Messy

ReRead:   Mark 2:6-9

Friday 3/6/15   Day 15

Ponder: Have you ever sat back and listened to the way people talk sometimes.  Some folks are timid to share things; others way to harsh.  Some folks are good listeners; others just want to talk.  Well, our lesson picks up with some folks who feel they are always right with how they say things, and what they say is the only Truth because they interpret for God. If you doubt this summation, read the passage again.

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Interruptions are Messy Day 14

Interruptions are Messy

ReRead:   Mark 2:5

Thursday 3/5/15   Day 14

Ponder:  Several years ago John and I remodeled our old kitchen.  It was incredibly messy.  Dust, dirt, and debris was everywhere for months on end.  For awhile, we even had a dirt floor.  Think about the mess these men made in the house when they dug through the mud and straw thatched roof to get this man to Jesus.  The debris had to fall on the heads of others; perhaps they just moved to the side outside the realm of this falling mess. Bottom line, we understand this was not only an interruption but a messy one.

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Interruptions are Messy Day 13

Interruptions are Messy

ReRead:  Mark 2:3-4

Wednesday 3/4/15   Day 13  

Ponder:  Four friends are making a plan for this paralyzed man to have an audience with Jesus.  They go to extremes to intercede for him. There are no doorbells or cell phones to gain attention.  Yelling over the crowd would not be an option. The doorway is blocked, so obviously with all the hindrances in place someone suggests they dig a hole through the roof and lower the man down beside Jesus. Seriously? It’s messy! God pays attention to this faith; it’s extraordinary and driven.  Note, it is not the faith of the paralytic that moves God’s compassion, it is the faith of this man’s friends who are determined that hearing the words “no room near Jesus” is not acceptable.  

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Interruptions are Messy Day 12

Interruptions are Messy 

Read:  Mark 2:1-12 

Tuesday 3/3/15   Day 12   

Ponder:  Jesus has gained popularity and has returned home.  Many people have come to hear his teaching; perhaps out of curiosity. These are the folks who knew Jesus before his public ministry. In the middle of his teaching, Jesus faces a  totally unexpected and messy interruption.  What do you do when everywhere you look there is something or someone wanting your attention? The word “overwhelmed” comes to mind.  This Scripture uses the phrase, “and the ceiling opened up.” (smile)

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Living with Interruptions Day 11

Living with Interruptions

ReRead: Mark 10:52

Monday 3/2/15   Day 11 

Ponder: All of Bartimaeus’ life was marked with interruptions of hardship and suffering. This blind beggar now has an encounter with the Living Grace of God, Jesus. Bartimaeus cries  out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” In other words, “Messiah, save me.” Jesus replies, “What do you want me to do for you?” Batimaeus answers, “Rabbi, I want to see.” In other Words, “Teacher, I need revelation or truth.” Jesus tells the beggar, “Your faith has saved you.” Immediately, he received his sight. With abounding gratitude, Bartimaeus follows Jesus down the road.

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Living with Interruptions Day 10

Living with Interruptions

ReRead:   Mark 10:49-51

Saturday 2/28/15   Day 10

Ponder:  An encouraging word can mean so much; it is sometimes a refreshing surprise for our weary souls.   We need reassurance that we are loved.

At first, people are under the impression that Jesus does not have time for Bartimaeus, but then Jesus calls to him.  Bartimaeus throws off his coat and he springs forward.  The blind man runs right to the feet of Jesus the minute he calls.  Jesus asks, “How can I help you?”  Perhaps another way to translate the question is, “How may I redirect you toward love?”  

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Living with Interruptions Day 9

Living with Interruptions

ReRead:   Mark 10:48-49

Friday 2/27/15   Day 9

Ponder: Are you aware when Jesus is standing still because someone else has called for kindness?

Jesus is leaving Jericho. I am sure his disciples are trying to protect him and his time.  Certainly, he doesn’t need to deal with another problem or needy person, right? If we are listening to the Word, we know this mindset is wrong. We read in our passage when Bartimaeus boldy cries out in faith, Jesus stands still.   Picture that; Jesus hears him and stands still.  What does that mean?

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